About Bitsaa Ncr | BIT Sindri Alumni Association NCR


BIT Sindri Alumni Association National Capital Region, BITSAA NCR is registered under Delhi's Society's Registration Act, 1860 (Registration No 35928).

It is a not-for-profit organization with a sole aim of providing a platform for BIT Alumni at Delhi NCR to come together and support the efforts of BIT Sindri in building an Institution of world class. The spirit of the organization is to galvanize the alumni by rejuvenating the memoirs of their association with the BITSAA, and interacting on continuous basis with the other alumnus, students and the faculty [both administration, and teaching staff].

The Association works with BIT Sindri Alunmi, Administration, Staff and Students to:

  1. Provide a platform for the alumni to connect with each other for the exchange of information, ideas, communicate their accomplishments, interests, and concerns.
  2. Foster alumni pride and enhance the reputation of the University and BIT in particular.
  3. Enrich the emotional bondage amongst the students, alumni and faculty.
  4. Extend maximum help to the College in the placement and internship of students in reputed organizations.
  5. Recognize alumni for their significant contributions to education.
  6. Propose and execute special projects: Buildings, technical projects, seminars, conferences, etc.
  7. Support poor / economically backward students financially by floating scholarships, etc.
  8. Institute awards for meritorious performance for students.
  9. Institute awards for the alumni for their contribution to the College and the society.
  10. Inspire and invoke the spirit of innovation among the students leading to finding technical solutions to the problems of the society leading to Patents to students and the College.


BITSAA NCR strives to maintain good networking with Alumni in Delhi NCR and keeping the bond between the Alumni and Alma Mater intact in every possible way.

Association Information


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